The Infernale Machine (or what's left of it) - a multibarrel gun. There is something to be said for proper aiming. |
Portrait of Giuseppe Fieschi (after his execution by guillotine – which can be seen in the upper right) |
note the wave like, roughly hewn support under the barrels to adjust the elevation. |
Four of the barrels failed to fire, two other barrels exploded in the room injuring Fieschi, two exploded outwards, and one had not been made with a touch hole for ignition so it had been left unloaded. Four of the barrels were stamped with the mark "rebut" (waste) and 3 of those so marked were among those that exploded.
Explosion De La Machine Infernale, woodcut engraving by Jean-Baptiste Thiebault and Jacques Prosper Hubert, 1835 |
With a total of 7 failures, only 18 barrels and approximately 342 to 396 projectiles attacked the king. There was no pivot or swivel so once positioned the aim could not be refined. The French military used a similar design called jeu d'orgue d'artillerie (organ playing artillery) except it had fewer barrels, a more fanned out design and was on a pivot to be aimable.
diagram showing Fieschi and his infernal machine |
Judicateur (Judicator)
A. Chambre dans le maison no 30 boulvard du temple, ou Feischi pointe sa machine de 25 canons à fusil. (A. Room in the house No. 30 Temple Boulevard or Feischi points his machine of 25 muskets.)
B. Louis-Philippe 1 avec son état major. (B. Louis-Philippe 1 with his staff.)
C. Bataillons passés en recue. (C. Battalions in review.)
D. Le marchand de vin. (D. The wine merchant.)
E. Population Parisienne. (E. Parisian population.)
F. Jardin turc (ambulance improvisée) (F. Turkish Garden (improvised ambulance))
G. Café et balcon du dit jardine. (G. Café and balcony of the mentioned garden.)
The text on the right seems to say basically the same thing but in Dutch.
A. Kamer van het huis, boulvard du Temple No. 50; waar Fieschi deszelfs helsch-wektuig van 25 geweerloopen stelt
B. Lodewÿk-Philippus 1 met deszelfs staf
C. Revu-troepen
D. Huis en uitstek van den wÿnkooper
E. Volksmenigte
F. Turkschen tuin (provisioneel hospitaal)
G. Coffyhuis en balkon van dien tuin.
Louis Philippe I, the last King of France*, is interesting if only that in post-revolution France (post-1789 and post-July revolutions – but not post-1848 revolution) he wore not a crown, a gown and foppish tights but his military uniform.
French King Louis Philippe looking 70% less gaudy, effeminate and matronly than his predecessor Charles X. |
Honoré Daumier's 1831 caricature of King Louis Philippe turning into a pear is also noteworthy.
King Louis Philippe turning into a pear. |