Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Nazi Corn Palace?

The Corn Palace of Mitchell, South Dakota in 1905 with a non-Nazi swastika on the front
click to embiggen

The Corn Palace of Mitchell, South Dakota in 1905 with a swastika on the front. A Nazi Corn Palace? It does have a swastika on the front but the photo is from 1905. So it is a non-nazi swastika.

The Corn Palace is a building decorated with ears of corn all over the exterior. "WTF" you say? I was there once as a kid and that was my thoughts exactly.


Cassie's Blog said...

When you visit the corn palace, it states on that specific image that the sign is actually first and foremost known as a good luck symbol by the Native Americans. And was placed on the corn palace before the Nazi's adopted it, basically giving it the opposite meaning.

Anonymous said...

I have a postcard from 1907 of the Corn Palace and there is a swastika, but apparantly it meant something much different in 1907