Monday, January 21, 2013

a shortcut in fine art

Barnard Castle and Bridge, from downstream by Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1797
Pencil, 230 x 270mm (9" x 10.6"), North of England sketchbook
from the book Turner in the North p 49

The photo below of the same castle (built 1093) and bridge from a similar view is from Turner in the North page 48 :

Barnard Castle And Bridge, from Downstream drawing by Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1797

Some of the differences between the drawing and the photo is due to them being created 200 years apart.

One detail I would call attention to is the "x" on the buildings on the lower right probably as a little shortcut to note shadowed areas for future reference.
detail from Barnard Castle And Bridge, from Downstream drawing by Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1797
detail of the lower right of the image above with several 'x' highlighted in red